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Recordando a Patrick Cowley
Conjugando tiempo y estilo
Discos de vinilo mexicanos
High Energy en Stereo 100

Peppermint – Light a light

You’ve heard it
from the people
you’ve heard it
from your friends
your baby’s really
hurted you
you’ll ain’t got a chance
it’s up to you
to see your truth

Hey you!!!
it’s up to you
why don’t you try?
get up and fly
so now would be
all right
to make your feels
so good inside

Peppermint – Light a light

Monte Kristo – The girl of Lucifer

Listen kids, I’ve got a novel to declare
Yesterday, I met the girl of Lucifer
Special kind of beauty
Like fire in the air

Oooh Lucifer tells me
Oooh don’t touch that girl you
Know she looks to me like “pissy widdy”
You see what I mean

Monte Kristo – The girl of Lucifer